EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival

EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival About EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival Rules of EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival Submit your film to EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival Winners of EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival The judges of EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival Contact EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival

Welcome to EQAD

Based in The Midlands, UK, EQAD Film Festival runs under the banner of

Inter Theatre CIC proud to support EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival

With COVID changing the face of how everyone works we have had to diversify ourselves, working in new and innovative ways to reach people with our own disability lead theatre and film projects.

We have adapted to change, as many are and have already, by using a combination of social media, recorded drama and song and streamed live theatre pieces.

We are embracing this new way of working as a sign of positive things to come and have already begun reaching more people than ever before - both audience and participants.

EQAD: Equality and Diversity Film Festival

We would about now be running or planning mixed media theatre productions, involving people with a wide range of skills and abilities who respresent many stratum of society, working and performing together and leading by example.

It seems clear that the way forwards is to bring people together using technology, a hybrid of film, multimedia and live work where possible.

It has also become clear that our geological location is becoming less important, and that the world wide web is becoming literally that .. a tool for uniting people from all walks of life and every corner of the globe.

With this in mind we have created EQAD to celebrate the advancing changes through film and filmed performance.